Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another day at the breakwater

We went yesterday for another dive at breakwater. We had it in our heads to try to find the Matridium fields, but then realized it was quite a long swim. We decided to just try to find the pipe that heads out from the old cannery and see what was hanging out there today. Water was looking calm from the surface and we had no problem getting in. But once we got down we found it was really surgy with not so good visibility. Maybe 5 feet? Still, we saw a few fun new things... a scallop! We started him and hit started burrowing himself (herself?) down into the sand. Awesome! We saw a really big clam - about 10" across, half buried down into the sand. And...we saw a 6"+ lemon nudibranch - and took our first underwater photo!

From diving

But mostly I'm still learning buoyancy control - stopping to take pictures is a little difficult. Curtis is doing better than I am though - so he's ready to give photography a try! :)

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